Butterflay Spinach Seeds


A flavour as rich as its’ striking green colour, these broad, semi- savoyed leaves can be enjoyed from baby leaf to full size. Vigorous spring plantings that outperform most hybrids leap from the soil and onto the plate. Holds well, resisting the urge to bolt in the heat of early summer. Fall plantings provide nourishing abundance deep into the clutches of winter with some assistance, while surviving in milder climes unprotected with ease.

Spinacea oleracea

Approx. 200 Seeds, 20 days baby leaf, 45 days full leaf

Hawthorn Farm Organic seeds. Growers of organic heirloom and organic farm selected seeds. Open- Pollinated & Non-GMO seeds for the home and market gardener nationwide

Family owned farm

Friendly service

Certified Organic by Pro-Cert

6 in stock